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Hannah’s mother was a vibrant, vivacious nonagenarian in good health. So when a sudden health crisis cropped up that left her hospitalized and in critical condition, Hannah was at a loss as to how to move forward.

With discharge looming and a plethora of details waiting to be coordinated, Hannah turned to B’lev  Shalem for support.

The response was swift and the relief was immediate, B’lev Shalem’s broad knowledge, extensive contacts, and expert guidance were immensely reassuring for Hannah, offering her a sense of relief and security.

“Their support was invaluable during this challenging period. The care manager who worked with us was incredible and really removed the burden we faced—trying to be present with my mother while working through an endless list of to-do’s.”

B’lev Shalem jumped into action, advocating for Hannah’s mother, securing necessary medical equipment, and coordinating top-notch care with healthcare providers.

“B’lev Shalem is the kind of service you hear about and then you think that'd be nice but I don’t need it… And then when you need it, you need it! They helped us find an amazing geriatrician, a superb physical therapist—everything we hadn’t even thought of.”

In times of crisis, emotions run high, and B’lev Shaem’s calm and reassuring approach ensures family members feel safe and confident in their loved one’s care.

“Emotionally it was fantastic to know there were feet on the ground. We were not alone, we had someone available and able to go check on my mother.”

With Hanna’s mother discharged and back at home, B’lev Shalem got to work securing Bituach Leumi benefits, navigating through complex red tape to secure an aide. They went so far as to contact the Bituach Leumi branch director and were unafraid to advocate for the things Hannah’s mother needed.

“My mother was a fixture in her neighborhood, all the neighbors knew and loved her. I’m so thankful to B’lev Shalem for enabling us to bring her home to the place she knew and loved for her final days. Although we couldn’t have known it then, they helped us facilitate her walking, just 24 hours before she died. We are so grateful.”

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